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Yes, I do practice Jiu-jitsu too.

Updated: Apr 19

Welcome to a blog in which different thoughts and reflections about Jiu-jitsu, movement and community are shared.

First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm Jess, the wife of the founder of HANKO. I'm a qualified educational psychologist and a dance/movement therapist trained in Argentina. I used to be a dancer in my younger age. Neitherless is to say that movement and understanding of the body and its symbolism has always been a big part of my life.

Jiu-jitsu came into my life through my husband. Initially, and let's be honest, for a long, long time I passively watched from the sidelines, being his biggest cheerleader. Slowly we began to have more in-depth conversations in which we mixed his knowledge of this martial art and my pedagogical background.

He started teaching me, following the 'women's self-defence' curriculum implemented in HANKO. That's when I was confronted with how lucky I had been that nothing had ever happened to me. I was vulnerable and powerless if someone were to want to own me in any way. I hated that feeling to the point of bringing me to tears. I had recently become a mother, and I could not let that happen to me or, with even more ferocity, my baby. Luck no longer had its place. And so, my Jiu-Jitsu journey begins.

This blog will share a compilation of some reflections I may have mixing what I continue to learn, with my other professional background. In no moment will I claim to be a master or to know all the details and moves. Please comment on the posts and let's get the discussion going!

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